We created this page to show a small taste of the nuttiness our staff deals with. Example: Tenant is moving in and requested to meet us early at our office, which we did, we were in the office an hour early. Tenants shows up early, and our team is here meeting with him. Tenant proceeds to leave us a review for not being in the office early, when he is actually sitting in our office, on the couch, an hour before we open. Some people are just Nuts.


The Great Backyard Shrink

The Great Backyard Shrink

An owner proudly listed their rental as having a fenced backyard — great for pets and privacy! Except, when tenants arrived, they were greeted by… a two-foot fence. Not quite what anyone had in mind.

Keeping pets in? Nope. Keeping nosy neighbors out? Also nope. The pets? They’re already halfway down the street.

Turns out, it’s hard to call it a fence when it’s basically a speed bump.
